Violets & Houseplants
Now Available Online from OptiFlora
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Growing violets is easy and FUN!
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Retail Store Finder

FResh Violet AlertsOptimara distributes to retail stores across the USA.  For online shopping we reccomend They provide full plants, violet of the month club, Space Violet plugs, miniature 2" violets, and rootable leaf-sets from most of the violets on this website.

African Violets at a Store Near You:
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In addition to many local retailers, you can find Optimara African Violets at national and regional stores. At Optimara, we strive to grow the best African Violets on the planet and we work with a network of distributors and nurseries to sell our plants to the public.

When using the StoreFinder we reccommend to Call First as some stores only carry Violets seasonally, others are year-round.


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