Fresh Violet Alerts
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Hand Sanitizer, Violets, & Houseplants
Now Available Online from OptiFlora
Use Our Easy-Care Tips
Growing violets is easy and FUN!

Specials & Seasonal Items

Every day people ask us "Where Can I Find Optimara Violets and Miniature Violets Online?"  They are available, but Optimara is the American brand of Holtkamp Greenhouses, we breed & grow violets specifically for supplying large retail stores and local garden centers. 

For online orders we reccommend  
It’s an online and mail-order service providing Optimara violets and plant supplies to individuals and violet clubs.  We know for certain they are the best quality because they visit twice per week to select and ship directly from our TN greenhouse. Be patient, they are a small business and shipping may take 2 to 3 weeks depending on cold weather conditions or availability of requested plants. 

*Please Note: Optimara and SelectiveGardener are not the same company. If your plant was mishandled in the mail write them directly. They always take care of any issues with shipping live plants. 

Space Violet Selections
Space Violet Plugs (best price!)
Space Violet Leaf
OPTIMARA Violet Food
Variegated Violet Collection
Miniature Violet Sets
Vintage & Classic Violets
OPTIMARA Violet Soil
Original "species" Violets
myViolet Series
Violet of the Month
Ceramic & Plastic Pots

Optimara African Violets
have been developed to be very easy to grow and enjoy. We encourage you to spend some time looking around this website for features and tools which you can use to get great results, everytime. You will find that by following our care instructions, and experimenting a little with your unique environment, you can get your violets to bloom repeatedly, all year round.