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Pot Size:4-inch small standard

Bloom Type:Double, lightly frilled

Bloom Color:Pale Yellow, green hue when opening.

Leaf Type:Plain, ovate, hairy

Leaf Color:Medium green, variable light strawberry reverse

Year Introduced:2014

Year Revised:2014

AVSA Registration Number:Pending

Patent Number:Pending

Variety Number:771



mySunshine is not an intentionally developed yellow. It was, ironically, a sport of Yellowstone and presented as it was found.

mySensation - click for full size image

Consider this version 1.0 - we plan to improve these colors and bloom longevity.

The other spontaneous mutations of this African Violet are all different colors. Get the whole set:
Yellowstone (blue/white), Trinidad II (lilac/purple),
myDelight (pink) and mySunshine (yellow)

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