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Violets & Houseplants
Now Available Online from OptiFlora
Use Our Easy-Care Tips
Growing violets is easy and FUN!

The Place For Violets: Care Tips, Violet Alerts & Much More

You are no longer alone when it comes to growing beautiful African Violets. Let guide you with informative and interactive tools.

  • MyViolet User Accounts  Register and create an account that will track each of your African Violets, upload photos, utilize Dr. Optimara to create and update "health charts" for your plants
  • Dr. Optimara  Ever wonder why your African Violet's leaves are wilting, or buds won't flower?  Dr. Optimara is a user-friendly diagnostic tool that takes the guesswork out of growing beautiful African Violets.
  • Variety ID Resources  A full listing of all the Optimara varieties recently in production, photos of all recent series and older classic varieties dating back to the early 1980s.

We distribute the violets featured here directly to retailers across the USA, and to many local nurseries and garden centers. 
 Find a store near you - use our Retail Finder Here. Call first, as some stores only carry violets seasonally.

Optimara African Violets Retail